Live so that when your children think of fairness and integrity, they think of you. The highest courage is to dare to be yourself in the face of adversity. Choosing right over wrong, ethic over convenience, and truth over popularity ... these are choices that measure your life. Travel the path of integrity without looking back, for there is never a wrong time to do the right thing.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Happy 14th Birthday Haliee Girl!

14 years ago today my husband was undoubtedly overwhelmed by his circumstances. We were just babies although at the time we definitely knew it all! Day 3 of pitocin looking more like a beluga whale than Hal's wife...I was so done being huge, uncomfortable, swollen, and STARVING lol! A hot mess I was! I was exhausted from my 12 hour stints of piggy back pitocin induced contractions and just wanted to meet my baby girl and sleep. What a whirl wind of events to finally meet you at 7:38 pm. Thank God he watched over you and made sure you stayed on this earth. Daddy was such a brave man being with you when I couldn't be. I can't believe how this time has flown. I am so thankful for every.single.moment of this journey. You are seriously the very best little girl I know. You have surpassed every dream I dreamt of what having a little girl would be. You are perfect Haliee Breanne! Happy Birthday Princess!

 How did this sweet little angel turn into this crazy junk food junkie, music blaring, shopaholic, makeover central priss!?! SLOW DOWN BOBO SLOW DOWN! I need a pause button!

Fourteen things I LOVE about you...
  • You love to have fun
  • You are super cute
  • You are a great friend
  • You are a great student
  • You are a great mix of both Daddy and Me
  • You are the best sister on the planet
  • You are such a techie & GREAT at it
  • You are so mature but still a Momma's girl
  • You have great integrity
  • You make me proud every day
  • You are very responsible
  • You love to shop
  • You love babysitting
  • You love life

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