Live so that when your children think of fairness and integrity, they think of you. The highest courage is to dare to be yourself in the face of adversity. Choosing right over wrong, ethic over convenience, and truth over popularity ... these are choices that measure your life. Travel the path of integrity without looking back, for there is never a wrong time to do the right thing.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

No more hiding

Ok, time to come back to reality~ It has been an awesome much needed reprieve, is getting back to normal. I spent all day yesterday cleaning after my parents left. I am deep cleaning my studio for the new year. Today after Church I will finish & we will take all our decorations down. Then it's back to the bow grind! I am excited for some new designs! I can't believe it is time for Valentine's hearts!

We had a great New Year, just relaxing and playing games, we even had a dance off to 80's hip hop, rap etc. LOL TOO FUNNY! Hal captured part of it on his phone, so I will try and upload that, it was hysterical! Vanilla Ice, Hammer, Bel Biv Devoe ahhhh...I am so OLD! :0) I can still do the running man (sort of) but my mad Roger Rabbit skills stayed in Junior High I guess, Hal got a good laugh though!

Do you like this new song playing on my blog?!? It is Haliee's FAVORITE! We have heard it a thousand times ATLEAST this Holiday break! Justin Bieber is her LOVE! Too funny to watch this girl morph into a teenager. I LOVE her so much!

Lookie what I found cleaning my ebay dungeon yesterday....My little Drewy Santa Baby! Isn't he precious, wahhh...he is so big now! My poor little guy has the tummy flu :( He has been in bed for 2 days :( I hate it when my babies are sickie.

Last but certainly not least The POWER of PRAYER! My New Year's Resolution may be coming faster than I thought. Keep the prayers coming! An opportunity may have presented itself to us, if it comes to fruition, I will be a serious Bow "Hoe" LOL! I will know more in a week or so, but until then, please keep us in your prayers! This is a big change....

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